Punto Arenas

Dec. 22nd - 23rd
Our last days in Patagonia were spent in Punto Arenas, quite a large town for that region. The windswept plains of this region stand in stark contrast to the bright colours of the wooden houses with metal roofs that is so typical for all of Patagonia. And at this time of year, brightly coloured yellow gorse and pink lupins made the town seem a lot more cheerfull than it might look otherwise... We stumbled upon a rather intresting cemetery, filled with huge clipped trees, that were very typical of the whole town. And then we went to see penguins..... Nesting season had begun, and they were very busy making their trips backwards and forwards from the sea to the burrows by the well worn penguin tracks hidden in the grass. A magical afternoon for all wildlife enthusiasts like myself, and a perfect ending to our trip.

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